Common Seatbelt and Airbag Vehicle Injuries

Car crashes occur because vehicle transport has been one of the most common ways to reach a destination. While seatbelts and airbags are essential safety features that can significantly reduce the risk of severe injuries during car accidents, they are not risk-free. Occasionally, seatbelts and airbags can cause injuries or exacerbate existing ones.

This article will explore some common seatbelt and airbag injuries that can occur during vehicular accidents. It's essential to remember that the benefits of using seatbelts and airbags far outweigh the risks. These injuries are relatively rare compared to the potential harm from not using them at all.

Awareness of possible injuries can help promote safe driving practices and proper vehicle safety measures. Always consult with our chiropractor and adhere to the manufacturer's guidelines for your vehicle's safety features to minimize the risk of injury during a collision.

Car Safety Features Required

Safety features have improved, from safety sensors to airbags surrounding the driver and passenger. Each instance has intended to keep passengers safe and alive. Although, these safety features also come with risks due to the physics of an accident.

The airbag has proven effective in preventing people from being thrown into the dashboard, explaining the quick reaction time. Chest injuries, internal and external, are common results of being hit by an airbag. Burns also occur due to high speed and explosive release.

Seatbelt injuries are necessary for the effectiveness of a restraint. Our chiropractors know the body keeps moving in an accident while the belt forces it in place. This information means these parts of the body are not restrained and push against the belt when in use. Whiplash and related neck pain are common examples of injury due to the seat belt.

Chiropractic Help for Accident Injury and Chronic Pain

While car safety features protect lives, they come with an accident injury cost. University Sports and Spine in Winter Park, FL, regularly helps patients recover from whiplash, neck pain, muscle damage, and pressure fractures. Our chiropractor can provide comprehensive recovery treatment and help with chronic pain. Call us at (321) 441-4944 to start an initial chiropractic appointment!


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